Renewal of Vows Ceremony

Renewing your wedding vows is a beautiful way to celebrate your love and commitment to each other.

Whether you've been married for just a few years or for several decades, a renewal of vows ceremony is a meaningful and special occasion.


  • A renewal of vows ceremony is a special ceremony in which a married couple renews the vows they made to each other during their wedding ceremony. This ceremony can take place at any point in the couple's marriage, and is often used to celebrate a milestone anniversary.

    During a renewal of vows ceremony, the couple typically exchanges vows and rings once again, in front of family and friends. The ceremony may be similar to a traditional wedding ceremony, with readings, music, and other symbolic elements, or it may be more personalised to reflect the couple's unique relationship and shared experiences.

    The ceremony can be as formal or informal as you want. It can be held in a variety of settings, such as a commercial venue, a park, or a private home. It's a chance for you to reaffirm your commitment to each other and to celebrate your love and the journey you’ve been on together.

  • There are many reasons why you might consider having a renewal of vows ceremony.

    Celebrate your marriage: A renewal of vows ceremony is a wonderful way to celebrate your marriage and the love you share with your partner. It’s a chance to reflect on your journey together and to acknowledge the milestones you’ve reached as a couple.

    Reaffirm your commitment: If you’ve faced challenges in your marriage or have experienced a difficult period in your relationship, a renewal of vows ceremony can be a powerful way to reaffirm your commitment to each other and to your marriage.

    Mark a significant anniversary: If you’re approaching a milestone anniversary, such as your 10th, 25th, or 50th, a renewal of vows ceremony can be a beautiful way to celebrate the occasion with family and friends.

    Create new memories: A renewal of vows ceremony is an opportunity to create new memories with your partner and to celebrate your marriage in a unique and meaningful way. It’s a chance to express your love for each other and to make new promises for your future together.

    Share your love story: Your renewal of vows ceremony is a chance to share your love story with family and friends. It’s a chance to reflect on the journey you’ve been on together and to express your gratitude for the people who have supported you along the way.

    Just because: There doesn't need to be a specific reason or milestone. If you feel the desire to express your love and commitment again, anytime is a good time for a renewal of vows ceremony!

    A renewal of vows ceremony is a deeply personal moment. It can be a beautiful way to celebrate your love and commitment to each other, and to create new memories that you’ll cherish for years to come.

  • A renewal of vows ceremony is a fantastic way to celebrate a milestone anniversary, such as a 10th, 25th, or 50th wedding anniversary. However, some couples choose to renew their vows at other times in their lives, such as after overcoming a challenging period in their relationship or simply as a way to reaffirm their love and commitment to each other.

    The decision to have a renewal of vows ceremony can be based on a variety of factors, including the couple's desire to celebrate their love, strengthen their relationship, or honor a special occasion or achievement. It's important to choose a date and setting that is meaningful to you as a couple, and to involve family and friends in the planning process to create the experience.

  • The beauty of a vow renewal ceremony is that it can be held in nearly any setting, depending on the couple's preferences and the significance of the location.

    Original Wedding venue: If possible, returning to the venue where you first exchanged your vows can be a deeply meaningful choice.

    Your home: A vow renewal in your backyard or living room can be a lovely, intimate celebration that's convenient and highly personal.

    Destination renewal: If you and your spouse love to travel, consider renewing your vows at a cherished destination or a location that's on your bucket list.

    At a family home: If there's a family property that holds special significance, this could be a great option.

    Favorite outdoor location: If you both love nature, renewing vows in a park, on a beach, atop a mountain, or in a beautiful garden could be fitting.

    Place of first date or proposal: Renewing your vows at the site of your first date or proposal could be a romantic full-circle moment.

    On a cruise or resort: For those who want to combine the ceremony with a vacation, many cruise lines and resorts offer vow renewal packages.

    Event venue: Traditional event venues, such as banquet halls or hotels, are always a solid choice, especially for larger gatherings.

  • Sometimes, couples choose to have a small, intimate ceremony with only a few close family members or friends, while others may have a larger ceremony with extended family and friends.

    In some cases, couples may even choose to have a destination renewal of vows ceremony with a select group of guests in attendance.

    Some ideas of who might attend a renewal of vows ceremony:

    Children: If the couple has children, they may choose to involve them in the ceremony in a special way or have them as attendants.

    Parents and siblings: Parents and siblings of the couple are often invited to attend, especially if they played a significant role in the couple's lives.

    Close friends: Couples may invite their closest friends to share in the celebration and to show their support for the couple.

    Best Man and Maid of Honor: The couple may choose to have their original best man and maid of honor attend the renewal of vows ceremony and even have them give a speech or toast.

    Guests from the original wedding: The couple may invite guests who attended their original wedding to the renewal of vows ceremony as a way of reminiscing about their special day.

    Other family members: Depending on the couple's relationship with their extended family members, they may choose to invite grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins to attend the ceremony.

Standard Package

Renewal of Vows Ceremony

  • The Standard Package is perfect for a more low-key event, without compromising on quality.

    Standard Package - $499


    • 30km radius of Canberra’s Parliament House.

    • Up to 10 guests.

    • Unlimited correspondence.

    • A face-to-face or virtual planning meeting.

    • Use of my professional PA system.

    • A standard ceremony script

    • Access to my collection of Readings, symbols and rituals.

    • Access to my collection of certificate templates.

  • Renewal of Vows Ceremony

    • Standard Package - $499

Standard Package - Renewal of Vows Ceremony
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Premium Package

Renewal of Vows Ceremony

  • The Premium Package provides scope for more personalisation, more assistance and a larger event.

    Premium Package - $699


    • 50km radius of Canberra’s Parliament House.

    • Up to 50 guests.

    • Unlimited correspondence.

    • Up to two face-to-face or virtual planning meetings.

    • Use of my professional PA system.

    • A personalised ceremony script

    • Editing and advice on your vows as required.

    • Chose from my collection of readings, symbols and rituals, bring your own, or tell me what you want and I will bring you options!

    • Access to my collection of certificate templates.

  • Renewal of Vows Ceremony

    • Premium Package - $699

Premium Package - Renewal of Vows Ceremony
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Ultimate Package

Renewal of Vows Ceremony

  • The Ultimate Package ensures every detail is crafted to echo your unique love story. This package offers an unparalleled level of personalisation and customisation.

    Ultimate Package - $999


    • 100km radius of Canberra’s Parliament House.

      • Contact me to discuss ceremonies outside this region

    • Up to 200 guests.

    • Unlimited correspondence.

    • Up to three face-to-face or virtual planning meetings.

    • Use of my professional PA system.

    • A unique, customised script written specially for your ceremony

    • The Ultimate Vows package:

      • Full custom drafting of vows for each person

      • two x 30 min sessions per person (virtual)

      • one drafting insights

      • one presentation practice

    • The Ultimate Readings package:

      • Chose from my collection, bring your own, or tell me what you want and I will bring you options!

      • A private 30 minute presentation practice session (virtual) with the two people performing a reading at your ceremony.

    • Fully customised invitations.

    • Fully customised certificate.

  • Renewal of Vows Ceremony

    • Ultimate Package - $999

Ultimate Package - Renewal of Vows Ceremony
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