Pet Funeral

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet can be one of the most difficult experiences a pet owner can face.

At MBH Celebrations, we understand the depth of the bond between you and your furry friend, and we are here to provide comfort and support during this challenging time.


  • A pet funeral is a ceremony or memorial service held to honor and say goodbye to a beloved pet who has passed away. Just like with human funerals, a pet funeral can provide comfort and closure for grieving family members and friends.

    Pet funerals can take many different forms, depending on the preferences of the pet owner and the cultural or religious traditions they follow. Some pet funerals may involve burying the pet in a special location, such as a pet cemetery or a private garden, while others may involve cremation and scattering of the pet's ashes in a meaningful location.

    During a pet funeral, family members and friends may gather to share stories and memories of the pet, light candles, offer prayers or blessings, play music, or perform other symbolic gestures. Some pet owners may choose to dress their pet in special clothing or wrap them in a favorite blanket, and others may display photos or other mementos of the pet's life.

    Pet funerals can be held for any type of pet, from dogs and cats to birds, rabbits, and even horses. They can be a meaningful way to honor the bond between humans and their animal companions and to provide a sense of closure and healing after a pet's passing.

  • Having a pet funeral can serve many important purposes for pet owners who have experienced the loss of a beloved pet. Some reasons why you might choose to have a pet funeral include:

    Provide closure: A pet funeral can provide a sense of closure and finality to the grieving process, allowing pet owners to say goodbye to their pet and begin the healing process.

    Honor the pet's life: A pet funeral can be a meaningful way to honor the life and memory of a beloved pet, celebrating the joy and love that they brought into the world.

    Provide comfort and support: A pet funeral can provide a supportive environment where family members and friends can come together to share their grief and provide comfort and support to one another.

    Acknowledge the significance of the pet-owner bond: A pet funeral can help to acknowledge the deep emotional bond that often exists between pet owners and their animal companions, recognizing the important role that pets play in our lives and in our families.

    Create a sense of ritual and tradition: A pet funeral can help to create a sense of ritual and tradition around the experience of pet loss, providing a structured and meaningful way to mark the passing of a beloved pet.

    For many people, a pet funeral can be an important and healing way to say goodbye to a beloved pet and begin the process of moving forward after their loss.

  • Some general guidelines to consider when deciding when to hold a pet funeral include:

    Soon after the pet's passing: Many pet owners choose to hold a funeral or memorial service soon after their pet's passing, while the grief is still fresh and raw. This can provide an opportunity for family members and friends to come together to share their grief and provide comfort and support to one another.

    When it feels right: Some pet owners may choose to wait a little longer before holding a pet funeral, until they feel emotionally ready to say goodbye and begin the healing process. This can be a personal decision based on individual circumstances and preferences.

    Before burial or cremation: If you plan to bury or cremate your pet, you may want to hold a funeral or memorial service beforehand to honor their memory and say goodbye. This can also provide an opportunity for family members and friends to pay their respects and share in the grieving process.

  • Some suggestions for who you might consider inviting include:

    Close family and friends: Those who knew your pet well and were a part of their life would likely appreciate the opportunity to say goodbye.

    Other pet owners: People who have gone through the loss of a pet themselves may understand the depth of your grief and be able to offer support.

    Your veterinarian: They have likely cared for your pet and may want to pay their respects.

    Pet sitter or walker: If you had a pet sitter or dog walker who spent a lot of time with your pet, they may want to attend the funeral as well.

    Anyone who shared a special bond with your pet: This could include neighbors, colleagues, or other acquaintances who had a special connection with your pet.

    It's important to remember that a pet funeral can be a personal and intimate affair, and you don't have to invite anyone who you don't feel comfortable sharing the experience with.


    • 30km radius of Canberra’s Parliament House.

    • A virtual planning meeting.

    • Use of my professional PA system.

    • A unique, customised script written specially for your ceremony.

    • Access to my collection of readings, symbols and rituals.

    • A custom memorial certificate.

Pet Funeral in Canberra - Honor your furry friend's memory with heartfelt pet funeral services in Canberra. Canberra Pet Funeral - Give your beloved pet a dignified farewell in the heart of the capital. Best Pet Funeral Services Canberra - Trust Canberra's top professionals to commemorate your pet's life with grace. Canberra Custom Pet Funeral Services - Personalize your pet's farewell ceremony reflecting the unique bond you shared. Affordable Pet Funeral in Canberra - Provide a touching tribute without straining your finances with Canberra's budget-friendly pet funeral services. Canberra's Premier Pet Funeral Providers - Rely on experts to guide you through the difficult process of saying goodbye to your furry family member. Experienced Pet Funeral Organizers Canberra - Lean on the expertise of Canberra's compassionate and seasoned pet funeral planners. Commemorative Pet Funeral in Canberra - Cherish and celebrate your pet's life with memorable ceremonies crafted by Canberra's best. Pet Funeral Packages Canberra - Explore comprehensive packages ensuring a fitting tribute to your pet in Canberra. Canberra Pet Funeral Consultations - Gain support and guidance in planning the ideal memorial for your cherished pet. Canberra Pet Memorial Services - Remember the joy and love your pet brought into your life with dedicated memorial services in Canberra. Pet Farewell Ceremony Canberra - Create a touching farewell for your pet, curated with sensitivity and care in Canberra. Canberra Pet Cremation and Funeral Services - From ceremonies to cremation, ensure your pet receives a dignified send-off in Canberra. Holistic Pet Funeral Solutions Canberra - Comprehensive services from memorial planning to final rites, ensuring your pet's memory is cherished. Canberra's Trusted Pet Funeral Experts - Navigate the grieving process with the guidance and support of Canberra's reputable pet funeral professionals. Eco-friendly Pet Funerals Canberra - Pay tribute to your pet in an environmentally conscious manner with Canberra's green pet funeral options. Intimate Pet Funeral Gatherings Canberra - Celebrate your pet's life in a personal setting, tailored to reflect their special place in your heart. Pet Funeral and Bereavement Support Canberra - Beyond the ceremony, receive support and counseling to help cope with the loss of your cherished pet. Pet Memorial Products Canberra - Complement your pet's funeral with a range of memorial products to forever remember them by. Canberra Pet Aftercare and Funeral Services - Comprehensive aftercare and funeral solutions, ensuring every aspect of your pet's farewell is handled with grace.