Nailing the first dance: Tips for an epic performance!

The first dance is an iconic moment of any wedding reception. It's a chance for newlyweds to showcase their connection and love for one another in front of friends and family. If the thought of dancing in front of a crowd makes you nervous, fear not! With a little preparation and our handy tips, you'll be well on your way to nailing that first dance and creating a moment to remember.

1. Get your song choice right!

Your first dance as a married couple is a moment that will be etched in your memories forever. The right song can make this special occasion even more memorable, capturing the essence of your love story and setting the tone for a epic performance.

Reflect on your love story

Take a trip down memory lane and consider songs that played a role in significant moments throughout your relationship. Whether it's the soundtrack to your first date, the song that was playing when you got engaged, or a tune you both love to sing along to on road trips, these personal connections will make your first dance truly unique.

Pay attention to the lyrics

While a catchy melody can make a song instantly appealing, it's crucial to pay attention to the lyrics as well. Look for songs with meaningful, romantic, or inspiring lyrics that resonate with both of you. Ideally, the lyrics should align with the sentiments you'd like to convey during your first dance.

Consider your dance style

Before settling on a song, think about the type of dance you'd like to perform. Are you envisioning a slow, romantic waltz or a lively, upbeat swing dance? Choose a song that complements your preferred dance style, making it easier to choreograph your routine and enjoy the moment.

Collaborate with your partner

Selecting the perfect song for your first dance should be a joint effort. Sit down with your partner and create a playlist of potential songs. Listen to them together and discuss which ones resonate with both of you. This collaborative process will ensure that your chosen song is a reflection of your unique bond.

Seek inspiration from others

If you're struggling to come up with ideas, consider seeking inspiration from friends, family, or online resources. Ask married couples about their first dance song choices or browse playlists and wedding blogs for ideas. This can help you discover new songs or remind you of classic tunes that you might have overlooked.

You could always grab a glass of wine, type in phrases like ‘classic hits from xyz time period’ or ‘groovy love songs’ into Youtube, hit shuffle, and boogey together until you find the right tune! It might feel a bit awkward - but who cares!

Don't be afraid to think outside the box

Your first dance song doesn't have to be a traditional love ballad. Feel free to explore different genres and styles to find a song that truly reflects your personalities and love story. From indie rock to jazz and everything in between, there's a world of music waiting to be discovered.

2. Take dance lessons

You'll want to feel confident and at ease on the dance floor. Whether you're seasoned dancers or complete beginners, taking dance lessons can provide numerous benefits, from improving your technique to fostering a deeper connection with your partner.

Build confidence

Dance lessons with a professional instructor can help you feel more secure and poised on the dance floor. By learning the right steps, posture, and movement, you'll be better prepared to tackle your first dance with confidence, ensuring an enjoyable experience for both you and your guests.

Learn new techniques

Even if you're already proficient dancers, there's always something new to learn. Dance instructors can teach you advanced techniques, personalised choreography, or even a new dance style that will elevate your first dance and impress your guests.

Develop a deeper connection with your partner

Dance lessons offer an excellent opportunity for you and your partner to bond in the months leading up to your wedding. As you learn and practice together, you'll develop a stronger connection and greater understanding of each other's movements and emotions. This will translate into a more intimate and genuine first dance performance.

Adapt to your skill level

A professional dance instructor can tailor lessons to suit your specific needs and skill level. Whether you're starting from scratch or polishing existing skills, personalised instruction will ensure that you make the most of your time and effort.

Reduce pre-wedding stress

Wedding planning can be a stressful time, and dance lessons offer a fun and enjoyable way to unwind and relax. Setting aside regular time for lessons allows you to focus on something other than wedding preparations, providing a much-needed break and a chance to connect with your partner.

Create an iconic routine

A professional dance instructor can help you choreograph a unique routine for your first dance. This personalised touch will make your performance stand out and leave a lasting impression on your guests.

3. Practice, practice, practice

Your first dance as a married couple is a moment you'll cherish for years to come. To ensure a smooth and memorable performance, setting aside time for regular practice is essential.

Build muscle memory

Regular practice helps build muscle memory, which is crucial for executing dance moves with ease and confidence. By repeating the steps and movements consistently, your body will become more familiar with the routine, allowing you to perform without overthinking each step.

Boost your confidence

The more you practice, the more confident you'll feel in your abilities. When you know your routine inside and out, you'll be able to focus on enjoying the moment and connecting with your partner, rather than worrying about remembering the steps.

Refine your technique

Rehearsing your first dance regularly allows you to identify areas that need improvement and work on perfecting your technique. As you progress, you'll notice your movements becoming smoother, more precise, and more polished.

Practice in your wedding attire

To avoid any surprises or discomfort during your first dance, it's crucial to practice in the shoes you'll be wearing on your wedding day. This will help you become accustomed to dancing in them and make any necessary adjustments beforehand. Additionally, if possible, rehearse in a similar-sized space to your wedding venue to get a feel for the dance floor's dimensions.

Set realistic goals

While it's essential to practice consistently, it's also crucial to set realistic goals for your rehearsal sessions. Break your routine down into smaller sections, and focus on mastering each part before moving on to the next. This will help you progress more efficiently and avoid feeling overwhelmed.

Make it fun

Remember that your first dance is a celebration of your love and commitment. Keep your practice sessions enjoyable and lighthearted by incorporating some fun elements, such as playing your favorite upbeat songs during breaks or rewarding yourselves with a special treat after a successful session.

4. Choreograph or go with the flow?

While a choreographed dance routine can make for an impressive performance, it's not for everyone. If a fully choreographed dance feels too intimidating, opt for a few key moves or steps you can incorporate into your dance, and let the rest flow naturally. Remember, your first dance is about celebrating your love, not putting on a Broadway-worthy show.

Choreographed dance: Pros and Cons


  • A choreographed routine can create a polished and impressive performance that will wow your guests.

  • Planning your dance moves in advance can help reduce anxiety and increase your confidence on the dance floor.

  • Choreography allows you to incorporate unique and personalised elements that reflect your love story and personalities.


  • Learning and perfecting a choreographed routine can be time-consuming and potentially stressful.

  • A choreographed dance may feel less spontaneous or authentic if not executed with genuine emotion and connection.

Going with the flow: Pros and Cons


  • An improvised dance allows you to be more present in the moment and focus on your connection with your partner.

  • A spontaneous dance can feel more natural and genuine, highlighting your unique bond as a couple.

  • Opting for a less structured dance can alleviate some of the pressure associated with a choreographed routine.


  • Without any prior planning, you may find yourself feeling unsure or anxious about your dance moves on the big day.

  • An improvised dance may lack the visual impact or memorable moments of a choreographed routine.

Finding the perfect balance

For many couples, the ideal first dance lies somewhere between a fully choreographed routine and complete improvisation.

  • Identify a few key moves or steps that you'd like to include in your dance. These can serve as focal points around which the rest of your performance can flow naturally.

  • Consider incorporating a simple pattern or basic steps, such as a box step or a basic waltz, that you can easily repeat and build upon throughout your dance.

  • Communicate with your partner during the dance using non-verbal cues or by maintaining eye contact. This will help you stay connected and in sync, regardless of whether your dance is choreographed or improvised.

5. Focus on your connection

In the midst of your first dance, it's easy to become preoccupied with perfecting your moves. However, the most important aspect of your performance is the connection between you and your partner. Maintain eye contact, smile, and enjoy the moment together. Your love and happiness will shine through, making the dance truly memorable.

The importance of connection in your first dance

While technical proficiency can make your first dance look visually impressive, it's the emotional connection between you and your partner that will make it truly memorable. This connection is what your guests will feel and remember. It's the smiles you share, the way you look at each other, and the love that radiates from you both. This is the magic ingredient that turns a good dance into an unforgettable one.

Tips for maintaining your connection

  • Maintain eye contact: Eye contact is a powerful way to express your emotions without words. By keeping your eyes locked on each other, you create an intimate bubble, making it feel like you're the only two people in the room.

  • Smile and enjoy the moment: A genuine smile can express joy better than any dance move. Let your happiness shine through your expressions, and don't be afraid to laugh if something unexpected happens. These are the moments that make your first dance uniquely yours.

  • Breathe together: This may sound simple, but consciously synchronizing your breath with your partner can deepen your connection and help you move in harmony. It can also help you stay calm and focused amid the excitement.

  • Communicate non-verbally: Small gestures, like a gentle squeeze of the hand or a shared glance, can speak volumes about your bond. Use these subtle cues to reassure and connect with your partner throughout your dance.

The impact of your connection on your guests

When your connection is the focus of your first dance, it creates a ripple effect that touches everyone present. It allows your guests to witness your bond and share in your joy, making them feel more connected to you and the celebration. This emotional resonance can elevate the whole atmosphere of your wedding reception.

6. Don't be afraid to show your personality

Your first dance is an opportunity to express your unique relationship. Feel free to get creative and add personal touches that reflect your personalities, whether that means incorporating a playful dance move, a dramatic dip, or a surprise costume change. As long as you're having fun and staying true to yourselves, your guests will be delighted.

Nailing your first dance may seem daunting, but with preparation, practice, and the right mindset, it can be a highlight of your wedding reception. Remember to focus on your connection, embrace your unique love story, and most importantly, have fun! Your first dance is a magical moment you'll cherish for years to come.


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