Maximise your wedding budget: 16 cost-saving tips for your big day!

1. Set a budget.

I know, I know, boring. But it cannot be underestimated how quickly additional costs can add up. Add an extra canapé to the starters? It’s only an extra $3 per person! Less than a coffee! It can be easy to rationalise, in the same way Netflix is only a lunch out per month. But when you times that by 100 guests, its $300 you could otherwise spend on a snorkelling trip in Fiji for the honeymoon. Before you start planning your wedding, you need to set a budget, and try to stick to it. This will help you determine upfront how much money you can spend on each aspect of the wedding and keep you from overspending. People won’t notice they didn’t get Peaking Duck pancakes (actually, maybe find something else to cut…).

Pinpoint your priorities: Start by pinpointing the elements that make your hearts flutter. The key things that are the most important to you. Is it the picturesque venue, an award winning photographer, or a feast fit for royalty? By nailing down your top picks, you can direct more of your funds towards these key areas, while being a bit more flexible with the rest.

Decipher your treasure chest: Now, it's time to run the numbers. Determine the total amount you're willing (and able) to invest in this once-in-a-lifetime extravaganza. Take stock of your savings, generous gifts from family, and any other gold coins you've got tucked away. Be honest about what you can afford - remember, the aim is a sensational wedding, not a lifelong debt.

Break it down, budget style: With a total in mind, it's time to slice that pie into pieces. Categories like venue, catering, attire, entertainment, and decorations will each get a piece of the pie, based on your personal priorities. Don't forget to conduct a little detective work on average costs in your region.

Stay sharp, keep track: As you dive into the whirlwind of wedding planning, keep a keen eye on your expenditures. Use a trusty spreadsheet or a handy budgeting app to keep tabs on your spending. Regular updates on your expense tracker will help ensure you don't blow past your budget.

Embrace the art of flexibility and compromise: Remember, staying within your budget may require a little give-and-take. Stay open to reshuffling your plans or considering alternatives like a more affordable venue, a buffet-style meal, or a trimmed-down guest list.

DIY: your new best friend: Unleash your inner artist and consider DIY options for elements of your wedding like invitations, centerpieces, or decorations. This not only helps you save some bucks but also adds a unique, personal touch to the big day.

You don’t have to settle straight away: Don't be too quick to sign the dotted line with the first vendor you meet. Get quotes from a variety of suppliers and weigh their offerings. This way, you're ensuring you get the best bang for your buck.

Plan smart, save big: Consider saying 'I do' during the off-peak season or on a weekday. Venues and vendors often slash their prices during these times. Also, booking your wedding in advance can help you nab better rates and sidestep last-minute price hikes.

Call in the cavalry: Got talented friends or family who could offer their services as a wedding gift? Whether it's photography, live music, or a cake extraordinaire, don't shy away from accepting their generous offers. It's a win-win: you save money and include your loved ones in your special day.

Don't lose sight of what really matters: Finally, remember the big picture - this day is about celebrating your love and commitment to each other. While it's exciting to orchestrate a memorable event, it's paramount to avoid diving into debt. After all, the magic is in the journey you're embarking on together, not just the party.

2. Choose an affordable venue.

Fact: one of the most impactful expenses for your wedding is the venue.

But here's the good news: you don't have to break the bank to find a spot that oozes style and elegance. Remember, it's not about the price tag; it's about the place fitting your guest list, your accessibility needs, and the catering options you fancy. And let's not forget its location and nearby amenities like hotels or transportation.

Choosing an affordable venue isn't just kind to your wallet—it also gives you the freedom to splash your personality all over the place. A dash of creativity and a sprinkle of DIY magic can turn the most humble spaces—think community centers or public parks—into dreamy settings that are uniquely you. It's all about embracing your research skills and thinking outside the conventional wedding box.

Embrace the unconventional: Let's face it, traditional wedding venues like hotels and banquet halls can make your wallet weep. So why not consider a more offbeat approach? Parks, community centers, or even a loved one's backyard can add an unexpected, personal touch to your wedding and drastically cut costs.

Off-peak and weekday wins: The seesaw of supply and demand is particularly prominent in the weeding world. Peak wedding seasons and weekend dates often come with a premium price tag. Plan your special day during the off-peak season or on a weekday. You'll find demand is lower and discounts are more likely.

Two-in-one spaces: Keep an eye out for venues that can host both your ceremony and reception. Not only does this mean you'll save on booking fees, but it also cuts down on transportation headaches for everyone.

Intimate gatherings: Smaller venues often come with smaller price tags. By keeping your guest list cozy, you can choose a more intimate setting and simultaneously save on things like catering and invitations.

All-inclusive packages: Some venues offer all-inclusive packages, bundling everything from catering to decor to event coordination. It might seem pricier at first glance, but it often streamlines costs and takes some of the planning weight off your shoulders.

Highlight what makes your heart sing: When you're venue hunting, focus on what matters most to you and your partner. Is it the location, the ambiance, the menu? Be ready to compromise on less crucial aspects to keep your budget in check.

DIY magic: Even a simple venue can dazzle with a bit of DIY decor. Investing some elbow grease into personalising your space can save you money and create an amazing atmosphere.

Master the art of negotiation: Don't shy away from negotiating with venue owners or managers for a better deal. Remember, politeness and flexibility are key here. Discussing alternative dates, times, or package options can often help you secure the best price. Do not be afraid to walk away.

Research, compare, decide: Spend time exploring and visiting various venues before making your final decision. This will give you a solid understanding of what's available within your budget and help you make a choice that you're truly happy with.

Book ahead: Snagging your venue well in advance can often lead to discounts or more favorable rates. Plus, you'll have a wider range of options to choose from and less chance of your dream venue being booked on your chosen date.

3. Have a daytime wedding.

When you envision your perfect wedding, does it include a beautiful sunrise or perhaps the soft, warm glow of midday? If so, you're in luck! Daytime weddings, held in the morning or early afternoon, pack a punch of benefits, not least of which is the potential for substantial savings.

Brunch it up: Who doesn't love a good brunch? Is there anything better than a laid-back, delicious brunch? Seriously, HOW GOOD IS BRUNCH (there is no judgement if your first thought was “Well I do like mimosas”)!

With a daytime wedding, you've got a golden ticket to create a mouthwatering brunch or lunch spread. This isn't just a treat for your taste buds, but also for your budget, as it's usually more cost-effective than a full-blown dinner menu. What's more, with fewer staff required, your catering bill could shrink faster than bacon on a barbeque!

Cheers to savings: Let's face it, your guests are less likely to channel their inner sommelier at noon. With less alcohol flowing, you can opt for a selection of daytime-friendly drinks like mimosas, Bloody Marys, or a cheeky signature cocktail, and still see a drop in your bar bill.

Snag that venue deal: Venues love daytime events! Why? They're typically less in demand than evening affairs. This means you might score your dream venue for a steal if you're willing to swap moonlight for daylight.

Let there be (natural) light: With the sun as your spotlight, there's less need for fancy lighting and decorations. Let the natural daylight do the work, creating a vibrant ambiance and saving you from extra decoration and lighting costs.

Dress down to save up: Daytime weddings tend to lean towards the less formal side. This casual vibe can mean saving on attire for both you and your guests. Trade the tux and ball gown for simpler yet elegant outfits, and watch the savings pile up!

Quality time over quantity: Daytime weddings usually wrap up quicker than their evening counterparts. While this means savings on venue rentals, entertainment, and staffing costs, it also means more intimate, quality time with your loved ones. There can always be an after party though…

Tune down the tunes: You are less likely to need a full band or DJ during a daytime wedding. A small ensemble or solo musician can provide the perfect background music for your daytime reception. Or why not curate a personalised playlist? It's a fun, personal touch that won't break the bank.

Picture-perfect savings: With the soft, natural lighting during the day, your photos and videos will turn out beautifully, reducing the need for additional equipment or extended shooting hours. That's an A+ for aesthetics and savings on your photography and videography costs!

4. Rent your dress.

The hefty price tag of a wedding gown can be daunting, but fear not! Rental bridal shops have come to the rescue, offering stunning dresses without the wallet-draining commitment.

Designer gowns without designer prices: With rental services, you can sashay down the aisle in a fabulous designer gown without the jaw-dropping cost. Many bridal rental stores stock a vast range of high-quality, chic dresses from famous designers, letting you live your dream without maxing out your budget.

Minimal alterations needed: Rental shops provide an array of sizes and styles, making it easy to find a near-perfect fit that needs only minor tweaking. While some shops may cover small adjustments, any extra work will be on you. Nevertheless, rentals usually need fewer alterations than purchased gowns, saving time and money.

No storage or preservation costs: Post-wedding, storing and preserving your gown can be expensive and cumbersome. Renting eliminates these concerns—you simply return the dress and reclaim precious closet space!

Eco-friendly fashion: Renting a wedding dress is a greener option, as it cuts waste and the demand for new gowns. Sharing your dress with fellow brides means embracing an environmentally conscious approach to wedding attire.

Affordable accessories galore: Many rental stores also offer veils, belts, and jewelry at a fraction of their retail price. This way, you can create a stunning bridal ensemble without breaking the bank on one-time-use accessories.

Stress-free shopping: Buying a wedding dress can be time-consuming and anxiety-inducing, with drawn-out ordering and fitting timelines. Renting requires less hassle and can be done closer to the wedding date, leaving more time to plan other wedding details.

Multiple dresses, one price: If you're struggling to pick a style or want to switch up your look between the ceremony and reception, renting lets you wear multiple dresses without the extra expense of buying each one.

5. DIY photobooth.

A photobooth is a great way to capture fun memories from your wedding day, but they can be expensive to rent. Consider creating your own DIY photobooth with props and a camera.

Spot the perfect spot: First off, pick a well-lit corner that's conveniently located - perhaps near the dance floor or a bustling area, to lure in guests for impromptu photo sessions. Just make sure it's spacious enough for goofy poses and doesn't block any important pathways.

Craft an eye-popping backdrop: Now, let's add some flair! Create a dazzling backdrop using affordable materials like fabric, paper flowers, streamers, or even a color-splashed wall. To amp up the personal touch, infuse your wedding colors or theme, or even etch your monograms onto it.

Camera, ready, click!: Forget the pricey equipment; a good-quality digital camera or smartphone on a tripod, or a polaroid camera will do the trick. Set it on self-timer mode or provide a remote control for guests to play photographers. You could also rope in a tech-loving friend to handle the camera operations.

Props for endless fun: Fuel your guests' creativity by offering a plethora of props. From silly hats and oversized glasses to chalkboard signs and theme-based accessories, the options are limitless. Just arrange them neatly nearby for easy access.

Hashtag your memories: Create a custom wedding hashtag and encourage guests to use it when they upload their photobooth antics on social media. It'll be a fun digital treasure hunt for you and your guests post-event!

Say cheese, leave a note: Place a photo guestbook station next to the photobooth, where guests can print their pictures instantly and pen down their best wishes for you. A wireless printer linked to a smartphone or tablet makes this a breeze.

Light it up: Excellent lighting is crucial for Insta-worthy shots. If your venue's lighting isn't doing any favors, add extra light sources like string lights, floor lamps, or a ring light.

Guide them right: Lastly, put up signs and instructions to help your guests navigate their DIY photobooth experience. After all, a well-informed guest equals a well-utilized photobooth!

6. Buy in-season flowers.

Flowers can be expensive, especially if you choose exotic varieties that are out of season. Consider buying in-season flowers to save money.

Pocket-friendly blooms: In-season flowers tend to be kinder on your wallet. They're abundantly available, dodge the hefty transportation or greenhouse growing costs, and can beautify your wedding space at a fraction of the cost.

Burst of freshness: Expect nothing less than vibrant and fresh blooms when you choose in-season flowers. They're picked at their peak, ensuring your floral arrangements are not just cost-effective, but also stunningly fresh and long-lasting.

Cheer for local growers: Opting for in-season flowers is a great way to support your local flower farms. Plus, it's a step towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly wedding. The bonus? Your flowers will be ultra-fresh, having avoided a long, wilting journey to reach your venue.

Unleash your creativity: In-season flowers are a fantastic catalyst for creativity. Collaborate with your florist to mix and match different flowers, textures, and hues, and you'll end up with unique, eye-catching arrangements that blend seamlessly with your wedding theme.

Go green: Alongside in-season flowers, consider welcoming greenery into your floral decorations. Not only is it usually more affordable, but greenery also adds a lush, natural feel and a depth of texture to your floral décor, and is generally available year-round.

Embrace the season: In-season flowers allow you to harmonise with the mood of your wedding season beautifully. Think soft pastels and gentle blooms for a spring wedding, or warm, deep colors and sturdy flowers for an autumn celebration. By utilising nature's seasonal palette, you can craft a cohesive wedding ambiance.

7. Limit the guest list.

The more guests you invite, the more expensive your wedding will be, it really is that simple. Consider limiting the guest list to close family and friends to keep costs down. See our article on 11 harsh but fair ways to cut down your wedding invite list!

8. Have a potluck reception.

Instead of hiring a caterer, consider having a potluck reception. Ask your guests to bring a dish to share, and you'll have a variety of delicious food without the high cost. You do run the risk of having 50 packets of Tim-Tams and BBQ Shapes (local cricketers know what I’m talking about), but this can avoided with some clear delegation and tasking.

Shared expenses, shared love: Let's face it, a potluck reception is as much about sharing the financial load as it is about sharing a meal. Your guests bring their favorite dishes to the table, saving you from the hefty catering bill while contributing to the celebration in their unique, tasty way.

A feast of family favorites: Potluck is the perfect stage for your loved ones to flaunt their culinary prowess and dish out their favourite recipes. The result? A banquet that mirrors the diverse tastes and backgrounds of your circle, creating a menu as unique as your wedding.

A cozy, intimate affair: A potluck reception nurtures a sense of community and camaraderie, as guests collectively craft a feast for everyone to relish. The atmosphere is bound to be intimate and relaxed, filled with stories and memories shared over home-cooked meals.

Eco-friendly and waste-free: Traditional catering often leaves us with mounds of leftover food. Potluck to the rescue! Your guests can bring just the right amount for everyone to savor, contributing to a more sustainable and waste-free celebration.

Smooth sailing with tech: Fear not the logistical nightmare. With the help of technology, coordinating a potluck is a breeze. An online sign-up sheet or a handy potluck planning app can help balance the menu, while also allowing guests to note down dietary restrictions and serving sizes.

Budgeting made easy: Potluck allows you to redirect your savings towards other crucial elements of your celebration, like the venue, photography, or entertainment. You get to craft an epic event without breaking the bank.

Flex your creative muscles: A potluck reception embraces flexibility and creativity. Theme it up with specific cuisines, a "favorite family recipe" motif, or for a playful twist, consider a dessert-only potluck. The possibilities are as endless as the love you're celebrating!

9. DIY decorations.

Instead of shelling out big bucks for pricey decorations, why not roll up your sleeves and make your own? The internet is your treasure trove of affordable, easy-to-craft DIY ideas that will infuse your big day with a unique personal touch.

Your signature touch: DIY decorations are more than just cost-effective; they're a canvas for you to paint your personality on. From the color palette to the theme, every piece you craft will be a unique reflection of your love story, ensuring your wedding radiates a charm that's uniquely yours.

Therapeutic creativity: Crafting your own decorations isn't just about saving money; it's a chance to flex your creative muscles and melt away pre-wedding jitters. Plus, it's a fun opportunity for you and your partner to bond, working together to transform your wedding venue into a dreamy wonderland.

Cheers to mother earth: Opting for DIY decorations is a nod towards sustainability. By repurposing and upcycling materials, you're reducing waste and cutting down on the need for new products, making your wedding a celebration of not just your love, but also of our planet.

Group effort = greater fun: Turn the DIY decoration process into a party by roping in your friends and family. This collaborative effort doesn't just lighten your load, but also creates beautiful memories as your loved ones contribute to your special day in the most hands-on way possible.

Limitless versatility: With DIY, you're the boss. You call the shots on every detail, adjusting and tweaking your designs until they're the perfect match for your vision. This flexibility ensures your décor seamlessly complements your wedding's theme and ambiance, creating a day that's as picture-perfect as you've always dreamed.

Some ideas for DIY wedding decorations include:

  • Centerpieces: Create unique and personalised centerpieces using mason jars, vases, candles, flowers, or greenery. Incorporate elements that reflect your wedding theme or color scheme for a cohesive look.

  • Signage: Design and create custom signs for your wedding, such as welcome signs, seating charts, or directional signage. Use materials like wood, chalkboards, or acrylic for a unique and stylish touch.

  • Table numbers and place cards: Craft your own table numbers and place cards using materials like cardstock, wood, or even small picture frames. This adds a personal touch to your table settings and can be tailored to match your wedding theme.

  • Lighting: Create a romantic ambiance with DIY lighting, such as string lights, lanterns, or candles. These can be used to accentuate your venue's architecture, highlight specific areas, or create a cozy and intimate atmosphere.

  • Backdrops: Design a custom backdrop for your ceremony or reception using materials like fabric, paper flowers, or greenery. This can serve as a focal point and provide a stunning background for photos.

10. Hire a student photographer.

Photography can be expensive. Consider hiring a student photographer or a friend who is a good photographer to save money. Plus, we all started somewhere.

A wallet-friendly choice: Photography could take a sizeable chunk out of your wedding budget. But what if you could still capture stunning images without the hefty price tag? This is where student photographers or photography-savvy friends step in - they often charge less than seasoned professionals, helping you economise while still scoring beautiful wedding photos.

Fresh lens, fresh perspective: Student photographers are often bursting with creative energy and are eager to experiment with novel photography styles. This could mean your wedding album will be filled with unique, imaginative shots that radiate the magic of your special day.

Nurture new yalent: By entrusting your wedding photography to a student or an amateur, you're doing more than just saving money - you're helping a young talent flourish. This opportunity could provide them with the experience and the portfolio boost they need to make their mark in the photography world.

Undivided attention: Since student photographers usually have fewer commitments than their professional counterparts, they're likely to dedicate more time to your event. This means you could receive more personalised attention, resulting in a wedding album that beautifully encapsulates every cherished moment of your big day.

Tailored to your taste: Eager to showcase their skills and gain experience, student photographers might be more flexible and accommodating to your specific needs and preferences. They'll be more open to collaborating with you to craft a photography package that fits your vision and your budget, giving you a custom-made experience that's all about you.

11. Rent instead of buy.

Consider renting items like linens, tables, and chairs instead of buying them. This can save you money and the hassle of having to sell them after the wedding. Alternatively check out Facebook wedding groups or Marketplace - chances are, someone didn’t read this article, and are now faced with flogging their expensive purchases off for an absolute steal!

Escape the resale route: Why purchase expensive items like linens, tables, and chairs, when you can rent them? Instead of dealing with the tedious and often challenging task of reselling your wedding items post-event, consider the convenience of rentals. Once your celebration concludes, the rental company handles the pick-up, saving you the trouble.

Explore a world of options: Rental companies often boast an impressive array of choices in terms of designs, styles, and colors, ensuring you find the perfect match for your wedding theme. You can achieve the aesthetic you've dreamed of without the hefty expense of purchasing everything outright.

The luxury of convenience: One of the greatest perks of renting is the convenience it provides. Many rental companies offer comprehensive services that include delivery, setup, and teardown. This means you can spend your big day focusing on the joy of the event, rather than logistics.

Pro tip: Keep an eye on platforms like Facebook wedding groups or Marketplace. You might find newlyweds who didn't consider the rental route and are now looking to offload their purchases at a bargain price!

12. Choose a DJ instead of a band.

A DJ is often less expensive than a live band. Consider hiring a DJ instead of a band to save money. Or for the ultimate cost-cutting measure, put together a thumping playlist of your own, plug in, and away you go. Check out our article Wedding Entertainment Extravaganza: A Masterlist of Live Performances and Unique Acts!

13. Use social media for invites.

Instead of sending traditional paper invitations, consider using social media to invite your guests. You can create a Facebook event or send an email invitation to save on costs. Aunt May might relish having a keepsake to stick on the fridge - in which case absolutely send out a physical copy. But are Michael and Louise from social mixed netball really going to check their letterbox, let alone open its contents? Possibly not, but they will send a thumbs up to the e-invite on Facebook or respond with a ‘can’t wait’ to an email.

Maximize your budget: Traditional paper invitations come with a hefty price tag when you account for design, printing, envelopes, postage, and any additional inserts. Choosing digital invitations on social media platforms slashes these costs, freeing up more of your budget for other elements of your big day.

Go green: Digital invitations are the eco-conscious choice. They significantly reduce paper waste and the carbon footprint of shipping physical invites. By choosing to go digital with your invites, you're contributing to a more sustainable planet and an eco-friendly wedding.

Streamlined communication: Social media platforms empower you with the ability to share real-time updates, reminders, and crucial information with your guests seamlessly. This efficient communication pathway ensures everyone is well-informed, making your journey to the altar that much smoother.

Prompt responses: Gone are the days of waiting anxiously for mailed RSVPs. Social media invitations enable your guests to respond quickly and effortlessly, providing you with accurate numbers for seating, catering, and other logistics in a fraction of the time.

Unleash your creativity: Digital invitations open the door to boundless design options. You have the freedom to tailor unique invites that mirror your style and wedding theme. With a variety of customisable templates available, or the option to design from scratch, your digital invites can be as unique as your love story.

Effortless guest management: Many social media platforms and digital invitation tools come equipped with integrated guest list management features. This makes tracking RSVPs, managing dietary restrictions, and collating other essential details a breeze, ensuring a smoother run-up to your wedding.

14. Create a signature cocktail.

Instead of serving a full bar, create a signature cocktail or three for your guests to enjoy. Massive vats of Pimms? Sign me up. Gallons of margarita mix and tequila? Ooft. This can be a fun and creative way to offer drinks without the high cost. Alternatively, consider limiting the bar to beer and wine to keep costs down.

Checkout out our articles Booze on the big day - BYO or venue-provided? and 8 Effortless Batch Cocktail Recipes for Stress-Free Entertaining!

15. Have a cake and dessert bar.

Instead of a traditional wedding cake, consider having a dessert bar with a variety of treats for your guests to enjoy. You can still have a small cake for cutting, but this can be a fun and cost-effective option. Combine with Item 8 of this list for the ultimate move.

Sweeter savings with a smaller cake: Instead of a grandiose cake, consider a more modest yet equally elegant one as the centerpiece of your dessert bar. This approach not only mirrors your wedding theme and style but also offers considerable savings.

Dessert bar – The spice of variety: A dessert bar introduces a range of sweet treats that cater to every guest's taste buds and dietary needs. From bickies, brownies, cupcakes to fruit tarts, the options are limitless, ensuring that all your guests find their favorite indulgence.

Get hands-on with DIY: The dessert bar presents an opportunity for you to roll up your sleeves and showcase your baking skills. Preparing homemade desserts not only curbs costs but also adds an intimate touch to your celebration. Moreover, the shared baking sessions with friends and family are sure to create memories that last a lifetime.

Economical yet exquisite choices: Selecting desserts for your bar doesn't have to be a pricey affair. Opting for budget-friendly, locally sourced ingredients or in-season fruits can help keep costs in check while still promising a delightful culinary experience for your guests.

Interactive dessert experience: A dessert bar promotes a fun, interactive atmosphere where guests can mix and match their favorite treats. It also serves as an excellent icebreaker, encouraging lively conversations and camaraderie among your guests.

Minimised waste, maximised enjoyment: A common downside of traditional wedding cakes is the inevitable leftovers. A dessert bar, however, empowers guests to choose their preferred treats and portion sizes, reducing waste and guaranteeing everyone a sweet ending to the celebrations.

16. Use candles and fairy lights for decoration.

Candles and fairy lights can be a beautiful and cost-effective way to decorate your wedding venue. You can create a romantic and intimate atmosphere without spending a lot of money on decorations.

Illuminate your love with candles: Candles are a timeless and affordable way to infuse your wedding venue with a sense of warmth and romance. With a plethora of shapes, sizes, and colors, they offer the freedom to craft an ambiance that mirrors your wedding theme. A symphony of pillar candles, votives, and tea lights can create a mesmerising depth and visual appeal.

For venues with strict fire regulations or for breezy outdoor weddings, LED candles are a brilliant alternative. They replicate the soft, flickering glow of real candles sans the hazard of open flames, marrying convenience with charm seamlessly.

Weave magic with fairy lights: Fairy lights, with their enchanting glow, are a fantastic, budget-friendly decor option. They can morph both indoor and outdoor spaces into a whimsical wonderland. Wrap them around trees, drape them over walls, or let them cascade from the ceiling, painting a picture of a star-studded night sky.

Available in a spectrum of colors and styles, fairy lights can be chosen to sync perfectly with your wedding theme and color palette, crafting a cohesive and captivating look.

Blend candles and fairy lights for a breathtaking spectacle: To create a truly awe-inspiring ambiance, combine candles and fairy lights in your decor. Arrange candles as mesmerising table centerpieces, along the ceremony aisle, or dispersed around the venue for a soft, inviting glow. Complement this with fairy lights, illuminating darker corners, highlighting architectural elements, or forming a canopy of twinkling stars above.

Safety first – heed venue restrictions: It's critical to touch base with your venue before integrating candles and fairy lights into your wedding decor. Familiarise yourself with their guidelines regarding open flames and specific lighting types. Remember, a safe celebration is a successful one!

Weddings are expensive, and people get that. But they are there to celebrate you, not to critique the granular aspects of you big day (and if you are worried they are, I suggest considering Item 7). By incorporating these fun and creative ideas into your wedding planning, you can keep costs down while still having an epic wedding day!



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