Eco-friendly weddings: 9 tips for a sustainable celebration!

As more couples become conscious of their environmental impact, the demand for eco-friendly weddings is on the rise. Planning a sustainable celebration doesn't mean compromising on style or elegance; it simply involves making mindful choices that are kinder to the planet. Let’s discuss how you can make your wedding more environmentally friendly, from choosing eco-conscious vendors to using sustainable materials and practices.

1. Choose a green venue

As more couples become conscious of the environmental impact of their wedding day, the allure of 'green' venues has never been stronger. But how do you choose a setting that's both stunning and sustainable? Whether it's a verdant botanical garden or an adaptive reuse venue, there are countless ways to tie the knot without leaving a hefty carbon footprint.

Say 'I Do' in nature's cathedral

There's nothing quite like Mother Nature's touch to create a breathtaking backdrop for your wedding. Choosing an outdoor location like a park, a botanical garden, or even a picturesque beach naturally cuts down on energy consumption from artificial lighting and air conditioning. Besides, what could be more romantic than celebrating your love under the open sky or amongst blooming flowers? Just remember to have a Plan B for unpredictable weather!

Opt for venues with a green thumb

Eco-conscious venues are not just a trend, they're a movement. More and more establishments are embracing sustainable practices to reduce their environmental impact. When venue hunting, look for places equipped with energy-efficient lighting, robust recycling programs, and water conservation systems. A venue powered by renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar, is the cherry on top of the eco-friendly wedding cake.

Farm-to-table feasting

Imagine saying your vows amidst sprawling vineyards or lush orchards. Local farms practicing sustainable agriculture not only provide enchanting venues but also offer fresh, organic produce for your wedding feast. This farm-to-table approach supports local economies, reduces food transportation emissions, and gives your guests an epic culinary experience.

Breathing new life into old spaces

The charm of historical buildings, renovated warehouses, or repurposed industrial spaces lies in their unique blend of old and new. These adaptive reuse venues exemplify the idea of 'reduce, reuse, recycle,' minimising the need for new construction while preserving their rich history and character.

Support local

What better way to start your married life than by giving back to the community? Many local museums, art galleries, or nonprofit event spaces donate their profits towards their cause. By selecting such a venue, you're not just hosting a greener wedding; you're also supporting initiatives that matter.

2. Opt for sustainable invitations

Digital invitations are the most eco-friendly option, as they save paper and reduce waste. If you prefer traditional invitations, choose recycled paper or seed paper, which can be planted to grow flowers or herbs after use. All MBH Celebrations clients get access to our exclusive Client Portal with a massive range of invitation templates!

Digital invitations: The most eco-friendly option for wedding invitations is to go digital. Electronic invitations save paper, reduce waste, and eliminate the need for transportation, lowering your wedding's carbon footprint. Many platforms offer customisable templates, allowing you to create stunning, personalised designs that can be sent via email or shared on social media. Digital invitations also make it easier to track RSVPs and update your guests on any changes.

Recycled paper: If you prefer traditional printed invitations, consider using recycled paper. This eco-conscious alternative helps conserve natural resources and reduce waste. Look for paper that contains a high percentage of post-consumer recycled content and is processed chlorine-free (PCF) to minimise the environmental impact. You can also choose paper made from alternative fibers, such as hemp, bamboo, or cotton.

Plantable seed paper: Another sustainable option for printed invitations is seed paper, which is embedded with seeds that can be planted after the wedding. When your guests plant the paper, they'll be left with a beautiful reminder of your special day in the form of flowers, herbs, or even vegetables. This innovative solution not only reduces paper waste but also promotes biodiversity and supports pollinators.

Minimalist design and reduced paper use: When designing your invitations, opt for a minimalist approach to minimise paper consumption. Combine all essential information onto a single card rather than using separate inserts for details like accommodations, directions, or RSVPs. Additionally, choose a smaller card size or print on both sides of the paper to further reduce waste.

Sustainable printing methods: Eco-friendly printing methods can also make a significant difference in the environmental impact of your invitations. Look for printers that use vegetable or soy-based inks, which are less harmful to the environment than petroleum-based alternatives. Additionally, consider using digital printing or letterpress techniques, which tend to be more sustainable than traditional offset lithography.

Green envelopes and packaging: Don't forget about the envelopes and packaging for your invitations. Opt for recycled paper envelopes or those made from alternative fibers. When it comes to packaging and mailing your invitations, avoid plastic materials and choose eco-friendly alternatives like paper-based tapes or compostable packing peanuts.

Include eco-friendly information for guests: Use your invitations as an opportunity to inform your guests about your commitment to an eco-friendly wedding. Share information about your green initiatives, such as encouraging carpooling, providing recycling facilities at the venue, or offering plant-based menu options. This communication helps set the tone for your sustainable celebration and encourages guests to participate in your efforts.

3. Support local and eco-conscious vendors

When selecting your vendors, choose those who prioritise sustainability in their products and services. This includes caterers who source local, organic ingredients; florists who use seasonal, locally grown flowers; and photographers who offer digital photo albums instead of printed copies.

Benefits of supporting local and eco-conscious vendors:

  • Reduced carbon footprint: Local vendors require less transportation for goods and services, which decreases emissions associated with your wedding.

  • Fresh, high-quality products: Local businesses often provide fresher, higher-quality products because they have a shorter journey from production to your wedding.

  • Economic support: Supporting local vendors helps stimulate the local economy and contributes to the success of small businesses in your community.

  • Unique, personalised experiences: Local vendors can offer personalised services and unique, region-specific products that make your wedding one-of-a-kind.

Tips for finding local and eco-conscious vendors:

  • Research: Conduct thorough research online and through social media to find vendors in your area who prioritise sustainability. Look for businesses that clearly communicate their eco-friendly practices on their website or social media profiles.

  • Reviews and recommendations: Ask friends and family for recommendations or read online reviews to find vendors with a proven track record of providing sustainable products and services.

  • Certifications and memberships: Look for vendors with recognised sustainability certifications or memberships in eco-friendly organisations.

  • Ask questions: When contacting potential vendors, ask about their commitment to sustainability and the specific eco-friendly practices they employ. Inquire about locally sourced materials, energy-efficient equipment, waste reduction efforts, and any other relevant environmental initiatives.

Examples of eco-conscious wedding vendors:

  • Caterers: Choose a caterer that uses locally sourced, organic ingredients, and offers plant-based menu options. Ask about their waste reduction efforts, such as composting or donating leftover food.

  • Florists: Opt for a florist that uses locally grown, seasonal flowers and avoids harmful chemicals or pesticides. You can also consider using potted plants or dried flowers for a more sustainable option.

  • Photographers: Select a photographer who offers digital photo albums or uses eco-friendly materials for printed products. Some photographers also donate a portion of their proceeds to environmental causes.

  • Planners and coordinators: Look for wedding planners or coordinators who specialise in green weddings and have experience working with eco-conscious vendors.

  • Rental companies: Choose a rental company that offers reusable or sustainable options for items like tableware, linens, and furniture.

  • Transportation: Consider eco-friendly transportation options, such as hybrid or electric vehicles, for your wedding party and guests.

4. Use eco-friendly décor and materials

Incorporate sustainable and reusable materials in your décor, such as biodegradable confetti, soy wax candles, and cloth napkins. Rent or borrow items like tableware and furniture instead of purchasing disposable alternatives, and consider using potted plants or succulents as centerpieces, which can be taken home and replanted by your guests.

Biodegradable and reusable materials: Replace single-use, disposable items with biodegradable or reusable alternatives. For example, choose biodegradable confetti, soy wax candles, and cloth napkins instead of their less eco-friendly counterparts. Rent or borrow items like tableware, glassware, and furniture to minimise waste and reduce the need for new production.

Sustainable flowers and centerpieces: Opt for locally grown, seasonal flowers to minimise transportation emissions and support local businesses. You can also choose organic, pesticide-free blooms or dried flowers for a more sustainable option. For centerpieces, consider using potted plants, succulents, or even edible arrangements that can be taken home and enjoyed by your guests.

Eco-friendly lighting: Illuminate your wedding venue with energy-efficient lighting options, such as LED or solar-powered lights. Use candles made from soy, beeswax, or other sustainable materials for a warm, romantic ambiance. String lights, lanterns, and uplighting can also create a stunning visual effect while minimising energy consumption.

Vintage, rented, or repurposed décor: Incorporate vintage or repurposed items in your wedding décor to reduce the need for new production and add a unique, personal touch. Visit thrift stores, antique shops, or rental companies to find one-of-a-kind pieces that reflect your style and theme. You can also borrow items from friends or family members to further minimise waste.

DIY and handmade decorations: Creating your own decorations from eco-friendly materials not only adds a personal touch to your wedding but also reduces waste and supports sustainability. Handmade paper flowers, fabric bunting, and woven decorations are just a few examples of DIY décor that can be crafted from sustainable materials.

Minimalist and nature-inspired design: Embrace a minimalist approach to your wedding décor, focusing on simple, elegant elements that minimise resource consumption. Use natural materials, such as wood, stone, or organic textiles, and draw inspiration from your surroundings to create a beautiful, eco-friendly aesthetic.

Eco-friendly signage and stationery: Use recycled paper or alternative materials, such as seed paper, for your wedding signage, place cards, and menus. Opt for vegetable or soy-based inks and choose printers that prioritise sustainability in their practices.

5. Plan a low-waste menu

Minimise food waste by working with your caterer to create a menu that takes portion sizes and guest numbers into account. Offer vegetarian or vegan options, as plant-based diets have a lower environmental impact. Additionally, donate any leftover food to a local food bank or compost it.

Choose local, seasonal ingredients: Opt for locally sourced, seasonal ingredients to reduce the carbon footprint of your menu. Local ingredients typically require less transportation and packaging, which helps lower emissions and waste. Seasonal produce is also fresher, more flavorful, and often less expensive than out-of-season options.


  • Seasonal vegetable crudité: Serve an assortment of fresh, locally grown vegetables with a house-made dip, such as hummus or tzatziki, using organic ingredients.

  • Bruschetta with heirloom tomatoes: Choose locally grown heirloom tomatoes and fresh basil to create a vibrant, seasonal topping for toasted slices of crusty bread.

  • Stuffed mushroom caps: Fill locally sourced mushrooms with a mixture of organic, plant-based ingredients like quinoa, spinach, and sun-dried tomatoes for a delicious, low-waste entree.


  • Farm-to-table green salad: Create a fresh salad using a mix of seasonal greens, edible flowers, and herbs sourced from local farms, topped with a light vinaigrette made from organic ingredients.

  • Grilled vegetable salad: Showcase local, in-season vegetables like zucchini, eggplant, and potatoes by grilling them and serving with a light, herbaceous dressing.

  • Roasted beetroot and goat cheese salad: Feature locally grown beets and artisanal goat cheese in a colorful, flavorful salad, finished with a citrus dressing and a sprinkle of toasted nuts.

Main Courses:

  • Herb-crusted seasonal fish: Offer a locally sourced, sustainably caught fish, encrusted with fresh herbs and served with seasonal vegetables.

  • Vegetable risotto with seasonal produce: Prepare a creamy, plant-based risotto using seasonal vegetables like asparagus, peas, or butternut squash, and garnish with fresh herbs and a drizzle of quality olive oil.

  • Stuffed capsicums: Fill locally grown capsicums with a mixture of organic grains, such as quinoa or farro, and roasted vegetables for a delicious, plant-based main course option.


  • Seasonal roasted vegetables: Showcase a variety of colorful, locally grown vegetables by roasting them with herbs and olive oil for a simple yet satisfying side dish.

  • Garlic and herb smashed potatoes: Feature locally sourced, organic potatoes in this flavorful dish, dressed with garlic, herbs, and a drizzle of olive oil.

  • Grilled corn on the cob with herb butter: Serve locally grown corn grilled to perfection and topped with a house-made herb butter using organic ingredients.


  • Fruit cobbler with seasonal berries: Highlight locally grown, in-season berries by baking them into a rustic cobbler and serving with a scoop of organic, locally made ice cream.

  • Chocolate avocado mousse: Offer a dairy-free, plant-based dessert option by creating a rich, creamy mousse using ripe avocados and quality dark chocolate.

  • Mini naked cakes: Serve individual, minimally frosted cakes made with organic, locally sourced ingredients, adorned with fresh flowers or edible greens for a low-waste dessert option.

Partner with eco-conscious caterers: Work with a caterer that shares your commitment to sustainability and low-waste practices. Look for caterers that source ingredients from local farms, prioritise organic and fair-trade products, and use eco-friendly packaging and serving materials. Ask about their waste reduction efforts, such as composting, recycling, and food donation programs.

Offer plant-based options: Incorporating plant-based dishes into your menu can significantly reduce the environmental impact of your wedding meal. Animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution. By offering vegetarian or vegan options, you can provide delicious, sustainable alternatives that appeal to a wide range of guests.

Opt for smaller portion sizes: One way to reduce food waste is by offering smaller portion sizes, which encourages guests to consume only what they can comfortably eat. Work with your caterer to create a menu that includes smaller, well-balanced servings, and consider offering a variety of entrees, tapas, or family-style dishes that allow guests to sample different flavors without overindulging.

Plan for leftovers: Despite your best efforts, some food waste may be inevitable. Coordinate with your caterer to develop a plan for managing leftovers, such as donating uneaten food to local shelters or food banks. You can also provide compostable containers for guests to take home leftovers, or arrange for a composting service to collect and process any remaining food waste.

Avoid single-use plastics and disposables: Reduce waste by avoiding single-use plastics and disposable items in your menu presentation. Opt for reusable tableware, glassware, and cloth napkins, and choose eco-friendly alternatives like compostable plates and cutlery if disposables are necessary. Consider using reusable drinkware or offering beverages in pitchers or dispensers to minimise waste from bottles and cans.

Minimise food packaging: Work with your caterer to minimise the amount of packaging used in the preparation and presentation of your menu. Request that bulk ingredients be used whenever possible, and choose menu items that require minimal packaging or can be served in reusable containers.

Communicate your eco-friendly efforts: Inform your guests about your commitment to a low-waste menu and encourage them to support your efforts. You can include this information on your wedding website, signage, or even on the menu itself. By sharing your sustainable dining goals, you can help raise awareness and inspire others to make eco-friendly choices.

6. Select ethical wedding attire

Opt for eco-friendly wedding attire made from sustainable materials like organic cotton, bamboo, or recycled fabrics. Look for designers who prioritise ethical practices or consider renting or wearing a vintage or pre-loved wedding gown.

Sustainable materials: Opt for fabrics like organic cotton, bamboo, hemp, or Tencel, which have a lower environmental impact. These materials are often produced without the use of harmful chemicals and require less water during production.

Recycled fabrics: Look for wedding attire made from recycled materials such as polyester or nylon. This can help reduce waste and save resources.

Fair labor practices: Choose designers and brands that prioritise ethical practices, including fair wages and safe working conditions for their employees. Look for certifications such as Fair Trade to ensure ethical production.

Rent or borrow: Consider renting your wedding attire instead of purchasing it. This can help reduce waste and save money. You can also borrow a dress from a friend or family member, further reducing the environmental impact.

Vintage or pre-loved: Wearing a vintage or pre-owned wedding gown is an eco-friendly and unique option. You can find these gowns at thrift stores, consignment shops, or online marketplaces. This option not only reduces waste but also gives a new life to an existing piece of clothing.

Local and small-scale designers: Support local and small-scale designers who prioritise sustainability and ethical practices. This can help reduce the carbon footprint associated with transportation and support local economies.

Minimal and reusable accessories: Choose simple and elegant accessories that can be reused or repurposed after the wedding. This includes jewelry, shoes, and other adornments.

Custom-made: If your budget allows, consider having your wedding attire custom-made by an ethical and eco-friendly designer. This ensures that your clothing is tailored to your preferences while adhering to sustainable and ethical practices.

Donate or resell: After the wedding, consider donating or reselling your wedding attire to give it a new life and reduce waste.

7. Encourage green transportation

Promote carpooling, ridesharing, or the use of public transportation for your guests. If your ceremony and reception are in separate locations, try to keep the distance between them minimal to reduce carbon emissions.

Provide information on public transportation: Include information about nearby public transportation options on your wedding invitations or wedding website. This can encourage guests to consider more eco-friendly travel methods.

Arrange group transportation: Organise carpools, shuttle buses, or vans to transport guests between the ceremony, reception, and accommodations. This can help reduce the number of individual vehicles on the road and cut down on emissions.

Promote ridesharing: Encourage guests to use ridesharing services like Uber or DIDI, which can help reduce the number of cars on the road. Create a designated pick-up and drop-off area at your venue to make it convenient for guests.

Rent bicycles or scooters: If your wedding venue is in a bike-friendly area, consider renting bicycles or scooters for guests to use. This can provide a fun, eco-friendly transportation option, especially for shorter distances.

Use electric or hybrid vehicles: If you need to rent a car for the wedding, opt for electric or hybrid vehicles. These cars produce fewer emissions and can help set an example for your guests.

Encourage walking: If your ceremony and reception venues are within walking distance of each other, encourage guests to walk between the two locations. You can even provide a guided walking route with signs or a map.

8. Offset your carbon footprint

Calculate the carbon footprint of your wedding using an online calculator and consider offsetting the emissions by investing in a carbon offset project, such as tree planting or renewable energy initiatives.

Calculate your wedding's carbon footprint: Use an online carbon calculator to estimate the emissions generated by your wedding. These calculators typically consider factors such as the number of guests, transportation methods, and energy usage.

Select a carbon offset project: Choose a reputable carbon offset project to which you can contribute. These projects typically focus on renewable energy, reforestation, or energy efficiency initiatives.

Determine the cost of offsetting: Once you have selected a project, determine the cost of offsetting your wedding's carbon emissions. This is usually based on the number of metric tons of CO2 emissions you want to offset and the price per ton set by the project.

Include carbon offsetting in your budget: Allocate a portion of your wedding budget to cover the cost of carbon offsetting. This can be a meaningful way to demonstrate your commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Encourage guests to offset their travel emissions: Provide information on your wedding website or invitations about how guests can offset the carbon emissions associated with their travel to your wedding. This can include links to carbon offset projects and calculators to help them estimate their individual emissions.

Plant trees or create a wedding forest: As an alternative or addition to purchasing carbon offsets, consider planting trees or creating a "wedding forest" in honor of your big day. Trees absorb CO2 and provide numerous environmental benefits, making this a meaningful way to offset your wedding's carbon footprint.

9. Communicate your eco-friendly intentions

Inform your guests about your commitment to an eco-friendly wedding through your website or invitations, and encourage them to participate in your sustainable efforts.

Wedding website: Create a dedicated section on your wedding website that outlines your sustainability goals and the steps you are taking to achieve them. This can include information about eco-friendly transportation options, waste reduction measures, and any carbon offset initiatives.

Invitations and save-the-dates: Use your invitations and save-the-date cards to communicate your eco-friendly intentions. You can include a small note or insert about your commitment to sustainability and the actions you are taking to make your wedding greener.

Social media: Share updates and tips about your eco-friendly wedding preparations on social media platforms. This can help raise awareness among your guests and inspire them to join you in your sustainable efforts.

Welcome bags: Incorporate sustainability into your welcome bags or wedding favors by providing reusable items, such as reusable water bottles or tote bags. Include a note explaining your commitment to an eco-friendly wedding and encouraging guests to use the items during and after the event.

Signage and displays: Place signs or displays at your wedding venue that highlight your eco-friendly initiatives, such as recycling stations, compost bins, or instructions for using eco-friendly transportation options.

Personal communication: Talk to your friends and family members about your commitment to an eco-friendly wedding and encourage them to participate. Share tips and ideas on how they can contribute to a more sustainable event.

Wedding program: Include a section in your wedding program that explains your commitment to sustainability and the steps you have taken to create an eco-friendly event. This can help inform guests about your efforts and encourage them to participate.

Speeches and toasts: Use speeches and toasts at your wedding to highlight your commitment to sustainability and thank your guests for joining you in your eco-friendly efforts.


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