Indoor vs Outdoor Weddings: A guide through the classic conundrum!

The indoor vs outdoor wedding conundrum: a classic dilemma that has left countless couples pondering, well-meaning relatives dishing out (the unequivocally correct) advice freely, and wedding planners on the edge of their seats.

The conundrum is not one that offers a clear-cut answer. It boils down to personal preference, budget, guest comfort, and one's appetite for risk, particularly concerning the weather. Each option offers its unique blend of charm, atmosphere, practicality, and potential pitfalls. Indoor weddings assure you control over your environment and a shield against the weather's whims but may come with higher costs and space limitations. On the other hand, outdoor weddings captivate with their natural beauty and unique atmosphere, but they may also demand more in terms of logistical preparation and contingency planning.

Indoor Weddings

Indoor weddings offer a sense of elegance and sophistication. They provide a controlled environment, meaning you don't have to worry about the weather. They also allow for more flexibility in decor and lighting, and typically have more amenities available on-site, such as a kitchen or catering area.


They are weatherproof.

Indoor weddings are protected from unpredictable weather conditions such as rain, wind, and extreme heat or cold. This assurance allows for more reliable planning and can significantly reduce stress leading up to the event.

  • Rain protection

Rain can be a major concern for outdoor weddings, as it can cause discomfort for guests and potentially damage decorations, attire, and electronic equipment. Indoor weddings eliminate this worry by providing a sheltered environment in which the ceremony and reception can proceed, regardless of the weather outside. Couples can rest assured that their guests will remain dry and comfortable throughout the event.

  • Wind protection

    Strong winds can also pose problems for outdoor weddings, causing disruptions such as knocking over decorations, causing difficulties with audio equipment, and even making it challenging for guests to hear the ceremony. Indoor venues provide a controlled environment that mitigates the impact of wind, allowing for a smoother event with fewer unexpected interruptions.

  • Reliable planning

    Unpredictable weather can be a significant source of stress during the wedding planning process, as last-minute adjustments may be necessary to accommodate changing conditions. Indoor weddings remove this variable, allowing couples to plan their event with confidence. This reliability can be particularly valuable for events with complex logistics or those that have been planned well in advance.

  • Reduced stress

    By eliminating concerns about weather, indoor weddings can contribute to a more relaxed atmosphere leading up to the event. Couples can focus on other aspects of the wedding, such as the guest list, attire, and menu, without the constant worry of weather-related disruptions. This reduced stress can help make the wedding planning experience more enjoyable and allow couples to concentrate on the joyous aspects of their special day.

You control the environment.

Holding a wedding indoors provides more control over factors such as temperature, lighting, and sound. This can help create a consistent atmosphere and ensure that guests are comfortable throughout the event.

  • Temperature control

    Indoor weddings provide the advantage of a temperature-regulated environment. With heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems in place, the venue can be adjusted to maintain an optimal temperature, ensuring guests are comfortable throughout the event. This control is especially beneficial in regions with extreme weather conditions or during seasonal fluctuations when outdoor temperatures may be uncomfortable or unpredictable.

  • Lighting control

    Indoor venues allow for more precise control over lighting, which can significantly impact the event's ambiance. Couples can work with professionals to design customised lighting plans that create the desired mood, whether it's romantic, elegant, or dramatic. Indoor lighting can also be adjusted throughout the event to accommodate different moments, such as dimming the lights for the first dance or brightening them for speeches. This control ensures that the atmosphere remains consistent and highlights key moments during the celebration.

  • Sound control

    Indoor weddings offer better control over sound quality, which is crucial for ceremonies, speeches, and music. Enclosed spaces can provide natural acoustics and protect against external noise, ensuring that guests can clearly hear every word and note. Couples can also work with sound professionals to optimise the audio setup for their specific venue, ensuring that speeches, vows, and music are well-balanced and clearly audible to all attendees.

  • Privacy

    Indoor venues often provide more privacy compared to outdoor locations. Enclosed spaces can shield guests from unwanted attention or disturbances from passersby, creating a more intimate and exclusive atmosphere. This privacy can help guests feel more at ease and focus on the celebration without any distractions.

  • Pest Control

    Outdoor weddings may be vulnerable to insects or other pests, which can disrupt the event and cause discomfort for guests. Indoor venues offer a controlled environment that minimises the presence of such pests, ensuring that guests can enjoy the celebration without any unwelcome interruptions.

A variety of workable venues.

Indoor weddings offer a diverse range of venue options, allowing couples to find a space that aligns with their vision, style, and theme. This variety ensures that there is an ideal location for every couple, whether they prefer a traditional, modern, or unconventional setting.

  • Traditional venues

    1. Churches and chapels: For couples who desire a religious or spiritual setting, churches and chapels provide a meaningful and classic atmosphere. These spaces often feature stained glass windows, ornate altars, and grand architecture that can create a sense of reverence and timelessness.

    2. Ballrooms and banquet halls: Elegant and spacious, ballrooms and banquet halls are ideal for couples planning a grand and sophisticated celebration. These venues often include high ceilings, chandeliers, and ample space for dining and dancing, providing a luxurious and opulent environment.

    3. Hotels and resorts: With their convenience and comprehensive services, hotels and resorts are popular choices for wedding venues. These locations often offer a range of event spaces, from intimate suites to grand ballrooms, catering to various guest list sizes and wedding styles.

  • Contemporary venues

    1. Art galleries and museums: Art galleries and museums provide a unique and culturally rich setting for a wedding. These spaces often feature captivating exhibits and distinctive architecture, offering an engaging and immersive experience for guests.

    2. Loft spaces and studios: Couples seeking a modern and minimalist venue might consider loft spaces and studios. These locations often feature open floor plans, high ceilings, and large windows, providing a blank canvas for couples to express their creativity and personal style.

    3. Theatres and performing arts centers: For those who appreciate the arts, theatres and performing arts centers can serve as unique and dramatic wedding venues. These spaces often boast impressive stages, lighting, and acoustics, adding an element of theatricality and flair to the celebration.

  • Unconventional venues

    1. Industrial warehouses: Industrial spaces, such as warehouses, factories, and converted mills, provide an edgy and urban aesthetic that appeals to couples seeking a non-traditional wedding venue. These spaces often feature exposed brick, raw concrete, and open floor plans, allowing couples to creatively design their event.

    2. Libraries and bookstores: Book-loving couples can find a unique and intimate setting in libraries and bookstores. These venues are often characterised by their quiet charm, beautiful architecture, and the warm ambiance created by shelves filled with literary treasures.

    3. Historic mansions and estates: For a touch of history and grandeur, historic mansions and estates provide a breathtaking backdrop for a wedding celebration. These venues often feature stunning architecture, lush gardens, and ornate interiors, transporting guests to a bygone era.

Easily accessible amenities.

Indoor venues typically come equipped with restrooms, catering facilities, and parking spaces, which can make logistics easier to manage and provide a more convenient experience for guests.

  • Restrooms

    Having access to clean and well-maintained restrooms is essential for the comfort of guests at any event. Indoor venues usually offer dedicated restroom facilities that are easily accessible and can accommodate a large number of guests. This convenience ensures that guests can freshen up as needed without having to navigate long distances or encounter outdoor elements. Additionally, indoor restrooms often provide better privacy and hygiene compared to portable options sometimes used at outdoor events.

  • Catering facilities

    Indoor venues often come with built-in catering facilities or have established relationships with catering providers, simplifying the process of planning and serving food at the wedding. These facilities usually include a fully equipped kitchen, allowing for efficient food preparation and service, as well as ample space for catering staff to work. This setup can help ensure that food is served fresh and at the appropriate temperature, contributing to a high-quality dining experience for guests.

  • Parking spaces

    Providing ample parking for guests is a crucial consideration when selecting a wedding venue. Many indoor venues offer dedicated parking lots or structures, ensuring that guests have a convenient and secure place to park their vehicles. Some venues may also offer valet services, adding an extra touch of luxury and convenience for guests. Easy access to parking can minimise stress and delays, helping the event run smoothly and allowing guests to focus on enjoying the celebration.

  • Audio-visual equipment

    Many indoor venues come equipped with audio-visual equipment, such as sound systems, microphones, and projectors, which can be utilised during the ceremony, speeches, and entertainment. This availability can simplify planning and reduce the need for couples to source and set up equipment from external providers.


There could be space limitations.

Indoor venues may have limited capacity, potentially restricting the guest list and the event's scope. Additionally, indoor spaces may also have restrictions on decorations or alterations to the existing structure.

  • Strained guest list management

    One of the main issues with limited capacity in indoor venues is the strain it can put on guest list management. Couples may find themselves having to make tough decisions about who to invite, potentially excluding close friends and family members from their celebration. This can result in disappointment and hurt feelings, both for the couple and the guests who are unable to attend.

    Check out our article Guest List Realities: 11 harsh but fair ways to cut down your wedding invite list! for further guest list management tips!

  • Compromised vision

    A smaller, more intimate event may not align with the couple's original plans for their wedding, leading to a compromised vision. For instance, a couple who envisioned a grand, lavish wedding may be disappointed with the reduced guest list and limited space available in an indoor venue. The inability to fully realise their dream wedding can leave couples feeling unfulfilled and frustrated.

It will generally be more expensive.

Indoor venues can be more expensive due to rental fees, catering, and other associated costs. Couples may also need to spend more on decorations to achieve their desired look.

  • Expensive rental fees

    Indoor venues often have higher rental fees than their outdoor counterparts, primarily due to the facility's infrastructure and maintenance costs. These fees can add up quickly, placing a significant burden on the couple's wedding budget. In some cases, couples may need to limit their guest list or make other compromises to accommodate the cost of their preferred indoor venue.

  • Catering costs

    Catering for an indoor wedding can also be more expensive, as some indoor venues require couples to use their in-house catering services or work with a specific list of approved vendors. This requirement can limit the couple's options and potentially lead to higher catering costs compared to sourcing their own catering for an outdoor wedding.

  • Decorations

    Indoor weddings may necessitate additional spending on decorations to achieve the couple's desired aesthetic. Unlike outdoor weddings, which often rely on the natural beauty of the surroundings, indoor venues may require more elaborate decor to create a visually appealing atmosphere. This additional expense can strain the couple's budget and force them to make difficult choices about which aspects of their wedding vision to prioritise.

It will have less natural beauty.

Indoor weddings may lack the picturesque backdrops and natural beauty associated with outdoor settings.

  • Missing picturesque backdrops

    One of the most significant disadvantages of indoor weddings is that they often lack the breathtaking backdrops found in outdoor settings. Outdoor weddings can take advantage of natural landscapes, such as lush gardens, pristine beaches, or stunning mountain vistas, to create a memorable and visually striking atmosphere. Indoor weddings, on the other hand, may not have access to these natural elements, which can leave the event feeling less visually impactful and memorable for the couple and their guests.

  • Limited scenic appeal

    Indoor venues can also lack the scenic appeal that comes with outdoor settings. The natural beauty of an outdoor wedding can enhance the overall experience, adding an element of romance and enchantment that may be difficult to replicate indoors. In contrast, indoor weddings often rely on artificial lighting and decorations to create ambience, which may not be as captivating as the natural surroundings of an outdoor event.

Outdoor Weddings

Outdoor weddings have become increasingly popular in recent years. They offer a natural and romantic backdrop, with the beauty of nature serving as the perfect setting. They can be held in a variety of settings, from a beach wedding to a garden wedding or even a rustic farm wedding.


Stunning natural beauty.

Outdoor weddings allow couples to take advantage of the natural scenery, creating a stunning and memorable backdrop for their special day. This can also reduce the need for elaborate decorations, as the surrounding environment can be a focal point in itself.

  • Stunning backdrops

    The most significant advantage of outdoor weddings is the ability to utilise the natural scenery as a backdrop for the ceremony and reception. Couples can select a location that reflects their personal style and preferences, whether it be a serene beach, a lush garden, a rustic vineyard, or a majestic mountain vista. These visually striking settings can create a lasting impression on the couple and their guests, making the event truly unforgettable.

  • Reduced need for elaborate decorations

    Another benefit of outdoor weddings is that the surrounding environment often serves as a focal point, reducing the need for extensive decorations. The natural elements of the chosen location can create an effortlessly beautiful atmosphere, allowing couples to allocate more of their budget to other aspects of the wedding. This can be particularly beneficial for couples working with a limited budget or those looking to simplify their planning process.

  • Incorporating nature into the celebration

    In addition to the aesthetic benefits of outdoor weddings, incorporating nature into the celebration can create a more meaningful and intimate experience for the couple and their guests. The natural setting can evoke a sense of serenity and tranquility, providing an ideal environment for the couple to exchange their vows and celebrate their love. Moreover, the natural beauty of the outdoors can inspire creative wedding themes and personalised touches that reflect the couple's connection to nature.

It creates a unique atmosphere.

Outdoor weddings often have a more relaxed and open atmosphere, which can make guests feel more at ease and encourage mingling.

  • Relaxed and open environment

    One of the most appealing aspects of outdoor weddings is the sense of freedom and openness that comes with being surrounded by nature. The fresh air and spacious surroundings can create a laid-back atmosphere, which contrasts with the more formal and confined environment often associated with indoor weddings. This relaxed setting can make guests feel more at ease, allowing them to fully enjoy the celebration.

  • Encouraging mingling among guests

    The open environment of an outdoor wedding encourages guests to mingle and interact with one another. The absence of restrictive walls and the availability of open spaces can create a more fluid and dynamic event, where guests are free to move around and engage with others. This can lead to a more sociable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved, as guests form new connections and share in the celebration of the couple's love.

  • Creating an impressionable experience

    The unique atmosphere of an outdoor wedding can leave a lasting impression on both the couple and their guests. The combination of natural beauty, relaxed ambience, and increased guest interaction can create a memorable and enjoyable experience that stands out from more traditional indoor events. This distinctive atmosphere can be further enhanced through thoughtful planning, such as incorporating lawn games, live music, or other outdoor activities that encourage guest participation and enjoyment.

You have increased flexibility.

Outdoor venues can often accommodate larger guest lists and provide more options for event layout and design.

  • Accommodating larger guest lists

    One of the primary advantages of outdoor venues is their ability to accommodate more extensive guest lists. With fewer constraints on space, couples can invite a larger number of friends and family members to share in their celebration without feeling cramped or restricted. This can be particularly beneficial for couples with extensive social or family networks who want to include as many people as possible in their special day.

  • Event layout and design possibilities

    Outdoor venues also offer greater flexibility in terms of event layout and design. With a vast canvas of natural surroundings, couples can get creative with seating arrangements, ceremony and reception locations, and even the inclusion of unique features such as tents, marquees, or outdoor dance floors. This level of customisation allows couples to create a personalised and memorable event that reflects their unique tastes and preferences.

    Outdoor venues can provide more options for transitioning between different parts of the wedding, such as moving from the ceremony to the reception area or creating separate zones for dining, dancing, and socialising. This can contribute to a dynamic and engaging experience for guests, as they are encouraged to explore and enjoy the various aspects of the celebration.

    Check out our article 21 Unique wedding ceremony seating plans: From practical to outrageous! for some inspiration!

It’s generally much cheaper.

Outdoor weddings are often more cost-effective, as venue rental fees may be lower, and the need for extensive decorations may be reduced.

  • Economical venue rentals

    One of the primary cost-saving benefits of outdoor weddings is that the rental fees for these venues are often lower than those for indoor spaces. Parks, gardens, beaches, and other public spaces often have more affordable rental rates compared to hotels, ballrooms, or other indoor venues. This can result in significant savings for couples, freeing up more of their budget for other aspects of the wedding.

  • Reduced need for extensive decorations

    Another advantage of outdoor weddings is the reduced need for elaborate decorations. The natural beauty of the surroundings often serves as a stunning backdrop for the ceremony and reception, eliminating the need for costly and time-consuming decorative efforts. With the picturesque environment providing an effortlessly beautiful atmosphere, couples can save money on decorations while still creating a visually appealing event.

    It's important to note, however, that some outdoor weddings may require additional expenses, such as renting tents, chairs, or other necessary equipment. Couples should carefully consider these potential costs when evaluating the overall affordability of an outdoor wedding.


A lot depends on the weather.

The success of an outdoor wedding is highly dependent on the weather, which can be unpredictable. Couples may need to develop contingency plans, such as renting tents or having an indoor backup venue, to ensure their event goes smoothly.

  • Navigating unpredictable weather

    The success of an outdoor wedding hinges on the cooperation of the weather. Unpredictable conditions such as rain, strong winds, extreme heat, or cold can not only cause discomfort for guests but also potentially disrupt or derail the event entirely. Couples must keep an eye on weather forecasts leading up to their wedding and be prepared to adapt their plans if necessary.

  • Contingency planning

    To safeguard against weather-related disruptions, couples should develop contingency plans for their outdoor wedding. These plans may include:

    1. Renting tents: Tents can provide shelter from rain or shade from intense sun, ensuring guests remain comfortable throughout the event. They can also serve as a backup option for the ceremony or reception if weather conditions make it impossible to proceed as planned.

    2. Indoor cackup venue: Securing an indoor backup venue can be an essential safety net for couples planning an outdoor wedding. In the event of extreme weather conditions, having an indoor space reserved can save the day and allow the wedding to continue without major disruptions.

    3. Flexible timeline: Building some flexibility into the wedding timeline can help accommodate last-minute changes due to weather. For example, if rain is expected during the scheduled ceremony time, couples may be able to delay the start time or move the event indoors if they have a flexible timeline.

    4. Communicating with guests: Keeping guests informed of potential weather-related changes is crucial to ensure a smooth experience. Couples should provide updates on their wedding website, through social media, or via email, so guests are aware of any adjustments to the event schedule or location.

There will often be limited facilities.

Outdoor venues may lack essential amenities such as restrooms, electricity, and catering facilities, which can create additional logistical challenges.

  • Restrooms

    At an outdoor wedding venue, there may not be sufficient or convenient restroom facilities available for the guests. This can be a significant issue, especially for larger weddings with many attendees. Organisers may need to rent portable restrooms, which can be expensive and may not provide the same level of comfort or cleanliness as indoor facilities. Portable restrooms can also detract from the overall aesthetic of the wedding.

  • Electricity

    Many outdoor venues, particularly those in remote or natural settings, may not have a reliable source of electricity. This can create complications for setting up lighting, sound systems, and other electrical equipment necessary for the ceremony and reception. Event planners may need to invest in generators or battery-powered equipment, which can be expensive and difficult to transport. MBH Celebrations provide a portable PA system for all ceremonies!

  • Catering facilities

    Outdoor weddings may not have access to on-site catering facilities, making it challenging to serve fresh and hot meals to guests. Caterers may need to set up makeshift kitchens or transport food from off-site locations, which can increase the likelihood of delays, spoiled food, or cold dishes. Additionally, outdoor venues may have limited space for food preparation and storage, making it difficult to serve a wide variety of menu options.

  • Weather conditions

    While not specifically a facility issue, weather can have a significant impact on the availability and functionality of outdoor amenities. Rain, wind, or extreme temperatures can render outdoor facilities, such as restrooms or catering tents, unusable or uncomfortable. Couples planning an outdoor wedding must take these unpredictable weather conditions into account when making arrangements for facilities.

  • Accessibility

    Outdoor venues may present accessibility challenges for guests with mobility issues or disabilities. Uneven terrain, lack of ramps, or insufficient lighting can make it difficult for some guests to comfortably navigate the site. This disadvantage can be exacerbated by limited facilities, as guests may need to travel greater distances to access restrooms, catering, or seating areas.

You will need to be conscious of sound and privacy.

Outdoor weddings can be subject to noise from surrounding areas and may lack privacy compared to indoor venues.

  • Noise from surrounding areas

    Outdoor weddings are vulnerable to uncontrolled ambient noise, which can disrupt the ceremony and reception. Whether it's traffic, construction, or even the sounds of nature, these unpredictable noises can make it difficult for guests to hear the vows, speeches, or music. The couple may need to invest in sound equipment or noise barriers to ensure that the ceremony proceeds smoothly and without interruption, which can add to the overall cost of the event.

  • Amplification issues:

    To counteract the noise from surrounding areas, event planners may need to use amplified sound systems for speeches, music, and other aspects of the wedding. However, this can create its own set of problems, as the amplified sound may disturb nearby residents or wildlife. Couples may be required to obtain permits or adhere to noise ordinances, which can limit the hours and volume of the event.

  • Privacy concerns

    Outdoor weddings are often more exposed to the public eye than indoor venues, which can create privacy concerns for the couple and their guests. Passersby may unintentionally intrude upon the event, causing distractions or unwanted attention. This lack of seclusion can make it difficult for the couple and their guests to feel at ease and fully enjoy the intimate moments of the day.

  • Unwanted observers

    In some cases, outdoor wedding venues may be located near public areas such as parks, beaches, or hiking trails. This can result in uninvited observers, who may take photos, record video, or simply watch from a distance. Couples who value privacy and exclusivity may find this aspect of outdoor weddings unappealing.

  • Security issues

    The open nature of outdoor weddings can also raise security concerns. With easier access for uninvited guests, there is a higher risk of theft or disruption during the event. Couples may need to hire security personnel or take other precautions to ensure the safety and privacy of their guests and belongings.

Preparation and cleanup.

Outdoor events often require more setup and cleanup, such as arranging seating, tables, and lighting, as well as ensuring the area is clean and presentable for guests.

  • Setup and breakdown

    Outdoor weddings often involve a more complex and time-consuming setup and breakdown process than indoor events. Couples may need to rent and transport furniture, such as chairs, tables, and tents, and coordinate their delivery and setup. Furthermore, outdoor settings may lack existing infrastructure for lighting and sound, necessitating additional equipment and planning. This added complexity can lead to increased stress and labor for the couple and their wedding planning team.

  • Weather considerations

    Outdoor venues are susceptible to unpredictable weather conditions, which can complicate setup and cleanup efforts. Rain, wind, or extreme temperatures can delay or prolong the process, and may even cause damage to rented equipment or the venue itself. Couples must plan for contingencies, such as securing tents, umbrellas, or heaters, to ensure the comfort of their guests and the smooth execution of their event.

  • Ground maintenance

    Unlike indoor venues, outdoor locations may require additional maintenance to ensure the area is clean and presentable for guests. This can include mowing the lawn, trimming hedges, raking leaves, or even applying insect repellent. These tasks can be labor-intensive and time-consuming, adding to the overall workload for the couple and their wedding team.

  • Trash removal and cleanup

    Outdoor weddings often require more comprehensive cleanup efforts than indoor events. With the potential for litter, food waste, and other debris to be scattered throughout the venue, the post-wedding cleanup can be a daunting task. The couple may need to hire a cleanup crew or enlist the help of friends and family to ensure the area is left in pristine condition.

  • Environmental impact

    Outdoor weddings can have a larger environmental footprint than indoor events, due to factors such as transportation, energy consumption, and waste generation. Couples may need to take additional steps to minimise their impact, such as renting eco-friendly products, recycling, or donating leftover food. This added responsibility can be a source of stress for environmentally conscious couples.

The great indoor vs outdoor wedding debate is not one that offers a clear-cut answer. It boils down to personal preference, budget, guest comfort, and one's appetite for risk, particularly concerning the weather. Each option offers its unique blend of charm, atmosphere, practicality, and potential pitfalls. Indoor weddings assure you control over your environment and a shield against the weather's whims but may come with higher costs and space limitations. On the other hand, outdoor weddings captivate with their natural beauty and unique atmosphere, but they may also demand more in terms of logistical preparation and contingency planning.

Whatever the choice may be, remember the essence of the day—it's about celebrating love, commitment, and the start of a shared journey.



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21 Unique wedding ceremony seating plans: From practical to outrageous!